Quality Management2019-03-12T01:28:18+00:00


Progressive training is a critical part of achieving and maintaining the highest level of standards within inter-infra.

ISO Accredited through Global Mark

Backed by progressive training for all our employees, Inter Infra Pty Ltd, simply demand quality for all our projects.

We believe that progressive training is a critical part of achieving and maintaining the highest level of standards within the company.

Inter-Infra Symbol

Our Training

Our completed coverage of certificates and training is showcased in the following areas of accreditation; Pipeline, Confined Space, Heights, Traffic, and more.


We will find the correct accredited company to carry out all the necessary works for your project. We will simply project manage and make sure all works are done to certain standard within your timeframe.

UETTDRRF01B – Apply ESI safety rules, codes of practice and procedures for work on or near electrical apparatus
UET30812 – Certificate III in ESI – Power Systems – Distribution Cable Jointing
UET30612 – Certificate III in ESI – Power Systems – Distribution Overhead
UETTDRIS65A – Contribute to coordinated HV live working
UETTDRDP14A – Maintain energised HV distribution overhead electrical apparatus (glove)
UETTDRDP13A – Maintain energised HV distribution overhead electrical apparatus (stick)
UETTDRRF08B – Perform EWP controlled descent escape –
UETTDRRF03B – Perform EWP rescue
UETTDRRF02B – Perform pole top rescue
UETTDRRF06B – Perform rescue from a live LV panel
UETTDRRF05B – Perform rescue from switchyard structures at heights
UETTDRRF04B – Perform tower rescue HLTAID001 – Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
UETTDRRF10B – Provide first aid in an ESI environment
UETTDRRF11A – Testing and connections of low voltage electricity networks

SC1200 – Substation Entry and Work Near or Around Underground Cables package2
SC1100 – Work Near or Around Underground Cables Package2
SC1100A – Work Near or Around Underground Cables
SC1000 – Substation Entry Package2
SC1000A – Substation Entry
M2325B – Triple End Cable Sealing Access Permit Recipient
TTDO1804C – Application of Overhead Access Permit and Working Earths – Combined EWP and Ladder
TTDO1653 – Application of Overhead Low Voltage Short Circuits
UETTDRRF01B – Apply ESI safety rules, codes of practice and procedures for work on or near electrical apparatus; and Ausgrid’s Environmental Procedures (NS174); and
UETTDRRF09B – Apply access procedures to work on or near electrical network infrastructure

RIICPL301D – Install water mains pipelines
RIICPL302D – Install stormwater systems
RIICPL303D – Install sewer pipelines
RIISAM204D – Operate small plant & equipment
RIIWHS201D – Work safely & follow WHS policies & procedures
RIICCM210D – Install trench support
RIICRC208D – Lay pipes

RIIWHS205D – Control traffic with stop-slow bat
RIIWHS302D – Implement traffic management plan

CPR First Aid Logo

5hr HLTAID003
2hr HLTAID001

RIIWHS202D – Enter & work in confined spaces
RIIWHS204D – Work safely at heights

Integrated Infrastructure

inter-infra’s complete offering of infrastructure services leaves Sydney developers with unimaginable efficiencies for their projects. One company, one quote, all your Sydney Infrastructure needs making your project simply effortless. Our service covers Electrical, Water, Sewer, Stormwater, Civil & Traffic Control & Traffic Management.


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Supporting Our Community

At Inter-Infra, we believe in giving back to our community which is why we regularly support building brighter futures for Indigenous Australian kids and Australian Kids with Cancer.

Supporting Indigenous Australia
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Kids With Cancer
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